NOTE: Please note that this page is for preview only…so that you can see what you are getting. This is a brand new product that has never been released before and is being included as an inline bump offer at a massively discounted price. You cannot purchase from this page. This page is to show you the assets. For purchasing this you just have to select the inline bump offer option in the cart when you purchase the Fun Camping Vacation product. In case you are unsure and make a purchase, then just send me an email at

30 Dot to Dot Astronaut Kit Images

30 Trace the Drawing Astronaut Kit Images

30 Astronaut Kit Colored Characters

This inline discounted bump offer ends in...

In order to add this inline offer to your purchase please go back to the cart and select the inline offer option. You will see the cart value increase. Then go ahead and make the purchase, the product will be delivered inside of your W+ dashboard.

To Your Success

Niranjan Pradhan

Creator of the Astronaut Kit

Disclaimer:- The content in this pack has been created with care and to the best of my ability. At the time of creation, the content was correct, relevant, and up-to-date. However, because things change over time, I cannot be held responsible for new information, technology, or consumer desirability within these packs. Absolutely no financial or income guarantees are made or implied. When you purchase these PLR packs, you’re taking full ownership and responsibility for how you choose to use them. It’s up to you to follow the license, and to check guidelines for correct usage whenever & wherever you use this content. Users are responsible for following the rules and/or TOS of any third-party sellers (e.g. Amazon, Lulu, Etsy and other similar platforms) at the time they use these items.